Palacio Norte

In the Maya ruins of Sayil, Mexico (along the “Puuc Route“):

Palacio Norte

If you’re looking for Puuc-style architecture, most of its sub-styles can be seen somewhere in this structure — its three levels were built in a mix of Puuc styles over hundreds of years. In the interest of preservation, you can’t go up the front steps any more, but with a decent long lens, you can get good views / shots of all sorts of architectural details even from down on the ground.

You’ll need either a wide lens, or some stitching software to get the whole thing in one image, though. I shot this with a 7 mm lens on my Olympus E-5 — so, equivalent FOV to a 14 mm full-frame setup.

5 thoughts on “Palacio Norte

  1. Excellent website! I just discovered your site via a link from and have added a link to your site on Picture Belize. Look forward to following your work.

  2. Excellent photo. In relation to your wide angle lens, what is interesting about the front of the great palace at Sayil, is that its front is not straight, but angles backward slgihtly at both sides of the staircase. Thus, judging the wide-angle distortion is difficult. You might be interested in

    • Thanks! And I’m a huge fan of your Reed pages on the Puuc sites — I first stumbled across them about 18 months ago while I was educating myself before our trip to the Yucatán this past summer. You’ve built up quite a resource there!

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